
Window 7 Media player & General shortcut keys

Windows Media Player Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Alt + 1 Video Size 50% in Now Playing or skin mode, with a video playing
  • Alt + 2 Video Size 100% in Now Playing or skin mode, with a video playing
  • Alt + 3 Video Size 200% in Now Playing or skin mode, with a video playing
  • Alt + Enter Full Screen Toggle in Now Playing, skin, or full screen mode
  • Ctrl + 1 Switches to library mode from any mode
  • Ctrl + 2 Switches to skin mode from any mode
  • Ctrl + 3 Switches to player mode from any mode except full screen

Window 7 Paint brush & WordPad Shortcut keys

Paint Keyboard Shortcuts
Alt Display keytips
Alt + F4 Close a picture and its Paint window
Ctrl + A Select the entire picture
Ctrl + B Bold selected text
Ctrl + C Copy a selection to the Clipboard
Ctrl + E Open the Properties dialog box
Ctrl + G Show or hide gridlines
Ctrl + I Italicize selected text
Ctrl + Minus Sign (-) Decrease the width of a brush, line, or shape outline by one pixel
Ctrl + N Create a new picture
Ctrl + O Open an existing picture

Window 7 Remote Desktop Connection & Windows Help shortcut keys

Remote Desktop Connection keyboard shortcuts
  • Alt + Page Up: Move between programs from left to right.
  • Alt + Page Down: Move between programs from right to left.
  • Alt + Insert: Cycle through programs in the order that they were started in.
  • Alt + Home: Display the Start menu.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Break: Switch between a window and full screen.
  • Ctrl + Alt + End: Display the Windows Security dialog box.

E-learning Engineering Lactures (High Quality)

Technology Enhanced Learning which is an initiative by all seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc) for creating course contents in engineering and science.

Basically, Senior Profs of Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have recorded video of their lectures and they have been hosted at Youtube.these are high quality lectures by experienced & well trained. The course contents focus mainly on engineering and science.

The various Courses there are(Click on them to view complete list):

  • Civil Engineering

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