
Tricks : How to change hard drive icon in Windows 7

Change Hard Drive icon in Win7
First things first!
We are about to change system files, because the hard drive icon is stored in a system file called imageres.dll. So, always make your backups. Also, get familiar with the command prompt. I can’t stress enough how important it is. If you don’t know the basic command prompt commands, first go do some research on this. Search for examples of cd, dir, runas, copy, rename and other basic commands.
  1. Download Resource Editor for Windows 7 by following link:
         The current version of ResEdit is 1.5.4. You can dow

Tricks : How to replace shell32.dll in Windows 7

In order to install Windows 7 shell themes manually, you will have to replace the shell32.dll. You basically can follow our guide that explains how to replace the explorer.exe file, but I wanted to give some very precise instructions for replacing this particular file.
Replace Shell32.dll

The easiest and shortest way to replace the explorer.exe and any other system files is to download a registry hack that will add the option Take Ownership to your right-click context menu.
Download this script: Download Or Mirror link1, Mirror link2  and double-click on the .reg (registry) file to add an option “Take Ownership” to your contextual menu (the right-click menu).

Trick Windows 7: Clear Icon Cache

Sometimes, you might want to clear the icon cache in Windows 7. You could probably just restart, but if you want to do it like pros, then here’s a quick tutorial how to clear the icon cache without restarting.

Windows 7: Clear Icon Cache

Trivia: The icon cache is a database file that is usually very small, about 5MB.

Icon Cache DB Location

Windows has a file where it stores your icon cache. The file name is “IconCache.db” and can be found at the following location:
So, basically just open the folder above, make a copy of the file IconCache.db and delete the original one. Now restart your PC or end the process explorer.exe and restart it again.
Open up the task manager via CTRL + ALT + DEL and go to the tab processes:
Replace Explorer.exe

Restart Explorer (Run…)

Your taskbar will disappear. Now simply, click on “New Task” and enter explorer.exe to start the explorer again:
New Task

Find list of Windows 7 icons stored in imageres.dll

If you are creating Windows 7 themes on your own and you want to change the system icons of Windows 7, it’s handy to have a list of icons stored in imageres.dll. Here’s one.
          Imagres.dll Icon List
1. Download IcoFX
2. Start IcoFX and click on Open ..
3. From the dropdown select Windows Binary and then open imageres.dll in Windows\system32:

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