This is a
nice technique to sqy using your simple mobile phone You can get lots of
softwares on Internet which claims that they could help you spy using your
Mobile phone and some of the softwares are real worth their money but most of
them are useless.Certainly you would feel cheated when they fail on delivering
their fact But what if you can spy with your cellphone without spending any
money on softwares.This trick can be used to spy and listen the conversation
going in a room without the knowledge of the other person.
By using
this trick you can check following things
Whether your baby is crying or not when you are not in the room
while you are working in out of your home.
What the things are discussing in a private room.
Etc... You can go through this technique how far your mind could
For using
this trick you will need the following things.
- Mobile handset
- Set of Headphones